
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself."   Matthew 22:37-39 

Matthew 22:37-39

We are FOR Mercy (Care) - We desire to love and serve the vulnerable in order to address unmet needs, Examples include advocating and caring for preborn, low income older adults and those with special needs.
We are FOR Collaborations - We collaborate with organizations in the community who work to enhance the care and support of the vulnerable and marginalized in our community. Examples include North Branch Emergency Aide, Mayville Share Shop and LACADA to name a few.  Currently, we are able to provide Free Food Boxes, every Friday, to the community through the USDA Farmers to Families program. We are hoping that this will be extended into 2021.


EngageMI is the mission engagement program for the Michigan Conference.
EngageMI challenges Michigan Conference congregations to comprehensive missional learning, giving and action with the goal of encouraging congregations to shift from transactional “ministry to” models to relational “ministry with” vulnerable people and communities.
The EngageMI program consists of three focus areas: Learn, Give, Act. Congregations that meet the requirements in all three areas will be recognized as “EngageMI Congregations.”